Anthropology, Environmental Health, Epidemiology, Gender, Sexuality, and Womens Studies, Health, Behavior, and Society, Human Computer Interaction, International Relations, Latin-American Studies, Medical Anthropology
Social Sciences, Natural and Biomedical Sciences
We prioritize creative engagement with underrepresented and marginalized communities around the world to address health priorities, often through technology and human-centered design. We view humans in their ecological context, understanding that social, biological, environmental, and other factors interact to impact health and illness, and that structural barriers often preclude ethical engagement of indigenous, marginalized, and underrepresented peoples in the scientific enterprise. Our lab values deep inclusion, respect, and liberation among its members and partners; we strive to prioritize the voices of underrepresented and intersectional identities in our work.
The work of our lab reflects the integration of qualitative, quantitative, community, and laboratory approaches to science. We are pragmatic, applied, and focused on action.
-Global Health, with a special emphasis on Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia and the Pacific, and Global Deaf Health
-Perinatal Health, with a special emphasis on social determinants of medical risk in pregnancy and childhood
-Technology, in the creation and maintenance of communities of learning, in communication, and to stimulate action
Our work crosses boundaries and is transdisciplinary.