Joining and leaving a research group

Once you've created an AURA account, you'll be taken to your profile page. You might notice a link underneath your name that says "Add your research group" or "Already part of a research group?" These links will allow you to associate your profile with a research group listing.

Research group associations allows students to see all the mentors that are part of a research group. Students can also associate themselves with a research group. This allows mentors to keep track of the students in their group or learn about the current research activities of a student applicant. Associating with a research group is optional for both mentors and students. However, if you're a mentor, it can be extremely helpful for students to know which research group you are a part of. Note that, as a mentor, if you create a research group, it will automatically become the group listed on your profile.

Once you've joined a research group, you will always have the ability to leave or change your research groups. These options appear directly next to the research group name on your profile. Additionally, the owner of a specific group has the ability to remove you from their group if they see fit. A group owner also has the ability to transfer ownership to anyone else in their group. Being part of a research group is a great way to make AURA more accessible and inviting.