What is the approval process for submitted postings?

Once you submit your post, it is reviewed by the Office of Undergraduate Research to ensure that it is properly completed and that it is an appropriate research opportunity for undergraduates. It generally takes less than 48 hours to review and approve new postings and the vast majority of posts are approved. During this time postings are reviewed to ensure that they meet three criteria: appropriate, quality, and legitimate. Appropriate postings are those describe a research position that provides a clear educational benefit to the student and assist in their career development. They also do not contain profanity, suggestive language or any culturally insensitive content. The second criteria for a post is quality. Quality postings contain information only relating to the opportunity, a good description, and every field is filled out. Finally, legitimate postings are those that are submitted by mentors who have the authority to offer positions to undergraduates. If you have any questions regarding whether your post is appropriate for AURA, please contact us at undergradresearch@ur.rochester.edu.